I offer most practices under the teachings of “dana”. “Dana” means generosity in Sanskrit, and is a practice based on reciprocity and mutual support. In practical terms, this means I don’t charge a fixed rate. Rather, I invite you to offer a donation in an amount that represents both what you feel you have received from practicing with me and your financial means. I sometimes liken the practice of dana to a sense of holding hands to support each other on our journey through life.
I do typically ask for a symbolic non-refundable registration fee, payable at the time of registration. The purpose of the fee is to enter into a mutually respectful student-teacher relationship (a kind of handshake to establish first contact). From there, the energy is exchanged between us as dana, and dana can be offered at any time (before or after the practices).
If you are experiencing financial hardship but would like to practice with me anyways, I welcome you to reach out to me. I am open to negotiating other arrangements that reflect the spirit of the teachings of dana.
If you would like to offer dana, you may do so via PayPal. Within Iceland, please email me for bank transfer information. I thank you for your generosity: for supporting me and, by extension, others who choose to practice with me.